Stuff! And things!

First: our pitcher plant’s pitcher is now open for business:



Second: Byron and I went to see Men in Black 3. I thought it was cute. Byron thought it was uncomfortably intense, but now he’s talking about Men in Black constantly. I’m pretty sure he wants to join or, failing that, invent time travel. Or failing THAT, have someone wipe the scary aliens out of his memory.

I liked the bit with Andy Warhol.

Third: Happy Father’s Day, to my dad, to Scott, and to all the fabulous fathers of my acquaintance. This is important work you do! You’re making the world a better place. In fact, Men in Black 3 seemed to be an extended meditation on the importance of fathers (and father figures), and was a curiously apropos movie for us to have watched today.

One Comment on “Stuff! And things!”

  1. I found the Chrysler Building scene uncomfortably intense (and I wasn’t even seeing it in 3D), and … also, the other high building part. Oddly, I’m not usually afraid of heights. But I really enjoyed it. I actually laughed at a lot of the jokes and the characters, as opposed to thinking “oh, more MiB shtick.” I think it happened to be exactly the right mix of random unpredictable funny, as opposed to sexy/cocky funny, which I usually find forgettable. Also, I don’t think I found any of it objectionable, genderwise. It only passes the Bechdel test if you count the toddler talking to her mother about chocolate milk….well, and since she’s talking about Will Smith drinking her chocolate milk, I guess it fails. But I think I was expecting far worse.

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